, 12 2011 . 01:03
* Blizzard. , .
* Fallout 1 3 New Vegas , , , . . , . . New Vegas ( ), .
* Grand Theft Auto .
* Quake 2. , , , , . , A.H.D.S.S.I.B.H bjjc
* Max Payne. , 20 . .
* S.T.A.L.K.E.R. . .
* S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: , , / .
* Half-Life 2. Yes, Barney, what is it? Doc! Look whos here! Great Scott! Gordon Freeman!. , .
* II - , . , . , .
* WarCraft II RTS . , . , , ( III ), StarCraft 2.
* HOMM5 , , . [1]. , HOMM5 . . , .
* online- Warbirds 3 , . , - .
* Serious Sam: First Second Encounter over 9000. , , , , , .
* Bioshock 2 , .
, , ""). )))
, "" - -1.
1 - , ;
2- , "" ))))
- )
, 12 2011 . 00:55
2K Games Gearbox Software Duke Nukem Forever Balls of Steel, Xbox 360, PS3 PC 6 2011 , .
, Balls of Steel :
- 100- : The History, Legacy & Legend: Duke Nukem Forever Art from the Vault
- Duke Nukem Forever
- Duke Nukem Forever
- Duke Nukem Forever
- Duke Nukem Forever
- Duke Nukem Forever
- Duke Nukem Forever
, 10 2011 . 02:27
DICE (Patrick Bach) Game Informer, Battlefield 3 .
" , Battlefield 2", - .
" , ", - .
" , Battlefield 3".
Battlefield 3 PC, 360 PS3.
, 10 2011 . 02:26

Blizzard Diablo III StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm, Activision , 2012 .
"- , Blizzard Entertainment , Blizzard 2011 ", - Activision-Blizzard (Thomas Tippl).
" , Blizzard 2012 ".
? !
, 10 2011 . 02:25

Runic Games Digital Spy, Torchlight II 2011 . .
Runic Games (Max Schaefer), Torchlight XBLA, - Torchlight II.
" , Xbox, Torchlight II ", - .
Torchlight Xbox LIVE Arcade 8 2011 Xbox LIVE Arcade House Party.
20% - ! .
, 10 2011 . 02:23

Activision , Guitar Hero DJ Hero . , .
" , Guitar Hero", - Guitar Hero.
" , ".
? !
, 10 2011 . 02:22
Mario Forever ( v5.01) | 16.5 ( 17.393.736 ) []
, 08 2011 . 23:53
(David Vonderhaar) Treyarch , Black Ops . - Modern Warfare 2.
" ", - MCV.
" , , , . Modern Warfare 2 : , ".
Treyarch, MW2, 2009 , , Black Ops.
, 05 2011 . 02:16
EA , - Dragon Age II Xbox 360, PS3 PC 22 2011 .
Dragon Age II . , Dragon Age, Kirkwall.
, , Hayder's Razor, .
Dragon Age II Xbox 360, PS3 PC 11 .
, 05 2011 . 14:25

High Voltage Software Conduit Wii Kinect 2K.
" ", - (Eric Nofsinger) High Voltage. - " 2K. . ".
: " Kinect . , , ".
, GDC.
, 29 2011 . 23:59
Battlestar Galactica Online Bigpoint , - 8 2011 .
, . , .